Ohio’s May 4th Primary: Decision Time for Buckeyes

Next Tuesday, May 4th, we all will have to make some important decisions. Decisions that will have a lasting effect on the future of our state, our counties, our towns, our children and our grandchildren. Political corruption must be removed from every office in our state, and on every level. We must turn out in unprecedented numbers and make our voices ring through the halls of government, and echo in the ears of those who have chosen to betray their oaths of office by ignoring the will of the people, and dismissing the Constitution they’re sworn to uphold and defend.

We deserve better than the status quo of corruption and Chicago-style politics which have existed in our state for far too long. Our children deserve the best Ohio that we, as voters, can leave to them. So we, as voters, must choose the candidates who offer the best possible future for Ohio! A future where existing businesses can grow, and new businesses will want to move here, bringing more and more jobs. A future where individual freedom and liberty are able to flourish, instead of being controlled. And it is with all of these things in mind that I have studied the potential candidates — who they’re endorsed by, what their platforms are, their records, reputations and where they stand on the issues. I encourage you to do the same for yourselves, ladies and gentlemen, because the choices we make now, will be the consequences that our children and grandchildren must face in the future.

I offer, for your consideration, my own choices of candidates for the future of Ohio:

Governor: This is my “Remember in November #1″, since there is no May Primary for this office. My choice in November will of course be the team of John Kasich and Mary Taylor, who will be running against incumbent Governor Ted Strickland (D) and Lt. Governor Yvette McGee Brown. In an April 6th article entitled Kasich Lays Out Plan for Ohio, found here, Mr. Kasich had this to say, “The situation in Ohio is bad; people know it and the guy who has been in charge hasn’t delivered,” Kasich said. “I’ve got a positive program that can help us to recover.”

“They spend all of their time attacking me and smearing me, and if you’re confident you’re going to win, you don’t spend time attacking your opponent,” Kasich said. “I’m treated more like the incumbent than the challenger, which is interesting.”

Kasich added that, since Strickland took office, Ohio has lost 426,000 jobs.

“We don’t even have a balanced budget, no program and no plan and it’s been a lot of government and higher taxes,” Kasich said. “I’m just the opposite on that. I’m for lower taxes and less government. I was chairman of the budget committee, I was involved and chief architect of the balanced budget, delivered a balanced budget, cut taxes, paid down debt and we had one of the most successful economic periods in modern history.

“I have a record of what I can do and that’s why I’m back in.”

Kasich said the way to bring small business back in Ohio is lowering taxes and reducing regulations on small business.

“Higher taxes will kill us,” Kasich said. “More regulations on small business will choke the life out of them. We know what needs to be done, it’s just a matter of getting it done.”

For getting it right, Mr. Kasich gets my vote.

U.S. Senate: This is my “Remember in November #2″, since there’s no May Primary for U.S. Senate, either. My choice here is Rob Portman, first because he has experience, having represented Ohio’s 2nd Congressional District as State Representative from 1993 to 2005, Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) during the George W. Bush administration, and as U. S. Trade Representative from May 2005 to May 2006, a post which carries the rank of Ambassador. In addition, according to the January 6th, 2010 Campaign Update on his website, “No one will outwork us. This U.S. Senate seat is too important to allow it to fall into the hands of one of the two Democrat candidates, both of whom are in lock-step with Washington’s anti-jobs policies and would be a rubber stamp for the Pelosi-Reid-Obama big spending agenda. Ohio’s workers and families can’t afford more of the same from Washington.”.

Again, for getting it right, Mr. Portman gets my vote.

Secretary of State: The Republicans battling it out in the Primary are John Husted (R-Huber Heights) and former Ashtabula County Auditor Sandra O’Brien (R). The winner will face Franklin County Clerk of Courts Maryellen O’Shaughnessy (D), and Charles Earle (Libertarian-Bowling Green) in November. My choice is Sandra O’Brien for several reasons: She is indeed a conservative, having fought for lower taxes and smaller government throughout her career. She is also pro-Second Amendment, being an NRA member, a concealed carry permit-holder, and receiving top ratings from the NRA. She is also pro-life, and a Tea Party/912 advocate. Her opponent, Mr. Husted, on the other hand, is much more RINO than Republican. You can find out more about Sandra O’Brien here.

State Attorney General: Former U.S. Senator Mike DeWine (D-Cedarville), Constitutional Party candidate Robert Owens of Delaware, Libertarian Marc Allan Feldman of Beachwood, and Hardin County attorney Steve Christopher (R), a member of the Tea Party movement, will battle to face incumbent Richard Cordray in November. Any serious Ohio conservative knows that DeWine is out of the question, which leaves only Robert Owens, Marc Allan Feldman, and Steve Christopher as choices. During my research I’ve omitted Mr. Feldman from my choices, as I realized upon visiting his website here, that the campaign is showing little effort, which leaves Mr. Owens and Mr. Christopher. Here’s where it gets interesting.

Based on accounts found in several places on the internet, namely here and here, one could surmise that some underhanded, Chicago-style politics are being played with the State Attorney General race — lending yet further proof that the office is in need of serious reform. Due to the current situation surrounding the issue of Mr. Christopher, and having discovered that he has donated large sums of money to the past campaigns of one Mike DeWine, I will be voting for Constitutional Party candidate, Robert Owens.

State Auditor: Representative Seth Morgan (R-Huber Heights), challenging Delaware County Prosecutor Dave Yost. My choice is Seth Morgan. From the Seth Morgan blog, “Seth Morgan, CPA has received the endorsements from the Brown, Cuyahoga, Greene, Lake, Madison, Miami, Montgomery, Scioto, Shelby, and Summit County Republican Parties for Auditor of State. Also, Seth Morgan is the only statewide candidate endorsed by the Ohio Tea Party PAC, which represents most of the Tea Party, 912, and Liberty groups organizations in Ohio.

“Seth is endorsed by the Citizens for Community Values Action PAC, Ohio Right to Life, Dayton Right to Life PAC, Family First PAC, many social conservatives and tea party leaders. Additionally, he has received the endorsement from the Associated Builders and Contractors Association, Buckeye Firearms Association, and COAST.”

Simple and to the point, these are my choices for next Tuesday. I hope each of you will do your own research into the candidates and the issues, and base your decisions on who you think will bring about the brightest possible future to Ohio.

See you all at the polls!

Copyright 2010, Robert Browning, all rights reserved.

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